Meaning Ammonite fossil

These ammonites are fossils of extinct squids that lived in the sea millions of years ago. Each ammonite had chambers in its shell that it used to move between different depths. These chambers were filled with gas or liquid, which allowed the ammonite to control its buoyancy.

During fossilization, these cavities were filled with minerals, leading to the formation of beautiful crystals inside. Ammonites lived from about 400 to 66 million years ago and then became extinct.

The fossils that are found can be very small, such as with these pendants. But fossils with a diameter of 2 meters have also been found, so fascinating that these squids lived in the past ❤️


Transformation, Personal Growth & Completion

Ammonite is a symbol of transformation and rebirth. These beautiful fossils carry within them the paths of the soul, supporting the wearer in renewing and completing their inner journey.

Ammonite is said to activate personal power and spiritual will, transforming negative energy into a gentle, flowing positive spiral.

Ammonite also helps stimulate survival instincts and the realization that perseverance is important to achieving your goals. It supports you in times of change and encourages you to persevere, even when the road seems difficult.

Ammonite is connected to the earth and helps bring structure and clarity to your life. Feng shui masters consider Ammonite the 'Seven Colors Prosperity Stone', due to its ability to stimulate the flow of Qi (life force) through the body, contributing to well-being, health, vitality and happiness.


Root Chakra & Sacral Chakra


Virgo , Aquarius & Pisces
