Meaning of yellow apatite

Manifestation, Optimism & Mental Clarity

Yellow Apatite is also called the 'Stone of Manifestation'. It is one of the purest crystals with the energy of mental clarity, willpower and manifestation. Its sunny energy gives hope and passion for life, and strengthens feelings of self-esteem and self-confidence. He teaches you to use your personal power positively to achieve goals.

This stone stimulates the intellect to increase knowledge and truth, which can be used for personal growth or for the collective good. It strengthens the connection with the inner self and helps to use your consciousness to serve in the world.

Yellow Apatite combats listlessness, depression, fatigue and apathy and provides an optimistic, invigorating and lively social attitude.

Yellow Apatite is good for starting new ventures and gives the courage to take risks. He encourages creative ideas and puts them into practice, as well as developing the business skills needed to make a living from your passions. This stone helps with absorbing new information and processing it. He removes old blockages that can limit the acceptance of prosperity or abundance and overcomes the fear of success.

Did you know...

...Yellow Apatite is also called belovite?


Sacral chakra (2nd chakra) & Solar plexus chakra (3rd chakra)


Leo , Scorpion & Ram
