Meaning of Herkimer diamond

Herkimer diamond, from New York, is not really a diamond but a special type of double-ended quartz. These clear crystals are named after New York's Herkimer County, where they were first discovered. They are distinguished by their natural faceting and their sparkling clarity. Although they may have the same clarity as diamonds, they are much softer on the Mohs scale. The unique thing about Herkimer diamonds is their shape: they often have 18 naturally occurring facets and two points. They may also contain inclusions, such as small air bubbles or bits of carbon.

Meaning of Herkimer diamond

Clarity, Divine Essence & Spiritual Embodiment

Herkimer Diamond has enormous light power and is a powerful healer.

This double-layer of rock crystal is almost 500 million years old. Because of this form it both emits and receives energy. Herkimers are connected to the bright white light of the Divine Essence.

These crystals give energy, promote creativity, cleanse your aura and make it crystal clear.

Herkimer Diamond stimulates clairvoyance and helps you to be in constant connection with higher spiritual worlds.

This liberating crystal of transformation makes your soul mission visible. It raises your vibration and helps you ground these spiritual energies in your body.


Third Eye Chakra (6th Chakra) & Crown Chakra (7th chakra)


